Intensive 1:1 Transformational Coaching Session

How many more lives could you positively impact if you just had more energy? How more effectively could you walk out your purpose if you felt better?
Is your spirit telling you that it’s time to get more intentional about your health?
The Weight is O.V.E.R.
Let me help you:
- Overcome the issues that block success
- Visualize a new you
- Eat Right
- Reflect & Renew Your mind
In this program, I will help you activate your faith to make the spiritual and mindset shifts needed to heal and ultimately, lose weight. I will support and equip you to deal with emotional/stress eating by tapping into what truly brings you joy so that you can get to the root of what you are really craving in life (beyond the food).
As a result of this program, you’ll feel confident and empowered to sustain the healthy eating habits I’ll help you establish that will lead to continued healing and weight loss. You’ll experience a life-changing transformation that will re-energize you and renew your sense of purpose while also giving you new strength to walk it out.
It’s not lack of time or money that keeps us from achieving our health goals.
Obstacle #1: Misinformation
Misinformation is one of the reasons many of us continue to struggle. If you’ve been taught (like I’d been) that whole grains are healthy, then you’ve been sabotaging your health goals without even knowing it. There are other foods that we’ve been eating on a daily basis that can potentially cause chronic inflammation that leads to a host of illnesses that include heart disease and diabetes.
Obstacle #2: Lack of Consistency
Then, after we’ve learned what we should and shouldn’t eat, the lack consistency when it comes to adhering to a healthy lifestyle is what keeps many of us bound. We tend to start strong, but we quickly lose steam when more obstacles come our way.
Obstacle #3: Emotional and Stress Factors
Eating and fitness habits or lack thereof are intimately connected to areas of our lives that urgently need our attention.
If you find yourself eating when you’re not hungry or because you’re bored, it could be:
- You’re not fully walking out your purpose.
- There’s an area of dissatisfaction in your life that urgently needs your attention.
- There’s a relationship that needs mending.
- There are emotions you’ve been burying.
- Your trust in God is weaker than you’d like to admit.
It’s not that eating or that certain foods are bad, per se. It’s about the level of attention we give food that causes us to become borderline gluttonous – positioning food as an idol. I remember how too many of my days completely centered around the food I wanted to eat. I remember feeling as if I couldn’t live without certain foods in my life. I remember feeling as if certain foods were the only thing keeping me from losing my mind… Have you ever felt this way?
Food is a gift that God gave us to nourish and heal our bodies and to enjoy during holidays and times celebration. But the “enjoyment” factor has become far more important to us than the nourishment and healing aspects of food. Gluttony has become the most accepted sin among Christians.
We’ve gotten to a point where we completely ignore the damaging aspects of overeating and certain types of food and that is part of the problem. Once we learn about the damage potential, it’s our duty to choose life and stop causing harm to ourselves, but often we don’t realize the seriousness of this choice as it relates to our eating habits.
Deuteronomy 30:19 (NLT)
Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses. Now I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Oh, that you would choose life, so that you and your descendants might live!
The Alarming Statistics
According to the American Heart Association’s “Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics 2018 At-a-Glance”:
“Cardiovascular disease, listed as the underlying cause of death, accounts for nearly 836,546 deaths in the US. That’s about 1 of every 3 deaths in the US.”
“Nearly half of all NH black adults have some form of cardiovascular disease, 47.7 percent of females and 46.0 percent of males.”
“An estimated 7.6 million, or 3.1 percent, of American adults have undiagnosed diabetes. Additionally, about 81.6 million, or 33.9 percent, of American adults have prediabetes.”
These are contributing risk factors that increase the chances of suffering from these conditions:
- Smoking
- Inadequate physical activity
- Poor diet
- Obesity
- Uncontrolled cholesterol, blood pressure, and blood sugar
These are all things that you have the power to control in some way. Your actions concerning these factors are the choices between “life and death” that the scripture talks about.
Even if you don’t have health issues now, here’s why it’s so urgent
Undisciplined eating habits are the enemy’s way of silently attacking your life and your God-given purpose. It’s the enemy’s under-handed way of disarming your ability to do real damage to his kingdom. If you don’t feel well, you can’t dominate at your full potential. If your temple is polluted from the effects of too much sugar and processed foods – how can God’s Spirit dwell there?
Also, as a leader, whether you realize it or not, you’re setting an example. There are people who, if they see you working on your health, will be more likely to work on their own health. There are people whose life may even depend on it.
I have relatives who after seeing me reclaim my health, now have hope that they can reclaim theirs. I didn’t realize it when I first started my health journey, but now I know, that getting healthy is not just an investment that I’ve made in myself, but in my family, friends and you.

So, I’m not just talking about losing weight. I’m talking about getting healed for real. I’m talking about equipping your body so that you can be empowered to do the greater works that you know you’ve been called to.
John 14:12 (NLT)
I tell you the truth, anyone who believes in me will do the same works I have done, and even greater works, because I am going to be with the Father.
I’m calling you out to a place of wholeness where every work of your hand shall be blessed because of your obedience. I’m calling you to a place where you can bravely rely on God to fill those voids you’ve been trying to fill with food.
This is why what you’ve done in the past hasn’t worked
You may have tried starving yourself, drinking vinegar, keto (low carb), low fat, a vegetarian or even a vegan diet, yet still continued to struggle. You may have spent money on gym or other memberships fitness bands or other equipment, just to be disappointed.
Here’s why they didn’t work:
- they didn’t address the root causes of your struggle (biological, emotional, and spiritual)
- some of the information we’ve learned about food and fitness is inaccurate
- they were diets and instead of a lifestyle
Understanding this will make all the difference in the world and that’s what I specialize in. I will teach you strategies that will help you establish and consistently adhere to healthy eating habits that will transform your mind and body.
Are you ready for a dramatic transformation?
If you’re a Christian female leader (in ministry, entrepreneur, corporate, education, etc.) and you are ready to sow into your health and lose weight, once and for all, I want to work with you.

This 6-Week Intensive 1:1 Coaching session will provide an opportunity to develop healthy eating habits that will lead to a greater sense of purpose and increased energy.
You’ll also transform your body in the process and tap into the benefits that Daniel (Daniel 1:15-17) experienced when he chose to eat in a way that glorified God. He looked healthier and was blessed with deeper knowledge and discernment.
If you’re ready to experience optimal health and learn how it will enable you to make a greater impact in ministry or your industry, schedule a call with me now to find out how you can secure your space.
Who this IS for:
Female Christians in leadership who:
- despite trying everything, are still struggling with getting healthy.
- senses it’s holding her back from fully walking out her purpose.
- feels the tug and a leading that it is time to make a drastic change.
- senses that the enemy has launched a silent attack against her health to try to disarm her.
- refuses to be defeated.
- knows her eating habits have to change and is ready to try something new.
Who this isn’t for:
- Those who aren’t ready to make a lifestyle change
- Those who are trying to lose weight for a specific event or occasion
- Those who aren’t willing to do the work that will be required
If you’re ready for a dramatic transformation, click the button below.
What others are saying…

“I’d never experienced that level of coaching before…”
“Trust me, it’s Worth the Weight…”