I’ve been on the health journey for two years now and my weight has fluctuated up and down. The one thing I appreciate about this book is the simplicity of it.
It is the true journey, which I can relate to, to overcome the obstacle of eating healthy, chronic fatigue, and lack of mental clarity due to the foods ingested. Not only am I excited to apply my learning but I was so convicted by not admitting how it starts with making up my mind.
After having a baby, I lost so much weight due to stress and the pounds packed on drastically over the past few months so much that I started to give up. I can win this battle!
The results are proven and the book CLEARLY outlines the three different phases for success along with confessing some weaknesses to God. I’ve been trying to find the “right plan” to follow but now that I’m ready, I feel inspired by my new learning. Worth the Weight has enlightened me about so many aspects of clean eating and I’m encouraged to hit the restart button to take charge of my health. Thanks, Kiesha for sharing your journey!
Tamika W. (Amazon Book Review)
It’s Worth it

All of the effort you put into eating right and improving your health is worth it! When you begin to feel better and look great, you’ll come to see that it’s definitely worth the time you put into it.
For more strategies for adhering to a healthy lifestyle, get your copy of Worth the Weight, the story of my health journey that left me 75 pounds lighter, energized, and younger-looking. Want to find out how you can start your health journey and finally meet your goals?
Schedule a call with me to find out how I can help.