Two weeks after I started changing my eating habits last year, I had to do some traveling for my family reunion. At first, I had thoughts like “I haven’t lost that much weight, yet. I could just start over when I get back.” or “It’s a reunion, I should just eat like everyone else and enjoy myself.”
But then the voice of reason chimed in and reminded me of how difficult the first 3 days of the detox phase were. I didn’t want to have to endure that again. By that point I think I had only lost about 5 or 10 pounds – so no visible changes had really occurred yet, but the thought of gaining them back didn’t sit well with me.
Now, as I look back, I realize that was a true test to the level of my dedication to this new lifestyle. I realized that if I didn’t develop a game plan for how I would stick to my plan while traveling, I was going to ruin all of the progress I had made and possibly forfeit future weight loss. The way I handled that trip may have made all the difference. Had it gone any other way, perhaps I would have continued to struggle and you would’ve never had the opportunity to read my book or this post.
So you’re probably wondering, what was my game plan for overcoming the obstacles that come with traveling?
Step 1: Decide you won’t let the obstacles trip you up
The first and most important step was to decide that no matter what, I was going to adhere to my eating habits as much as humanly possible. If you don’t resolve this in your heart, none of the next steps will matter. I had to accept that yes, it might cause me a bit more inconvenience than usual, but I was ready to invest in myself. You have to develop the same mindset. Any enjoyment you think you may miss out on during a trip will be worth it later when you find that you’ve reached your health goals.
I can honestly say that now that I look back, I didn’t feel like I was missing out on anything because I felt so great, I was able to actually enjoy being with family I hadn’t seen in years. And months later when I reached my initial goal, I was ecstatic about being able to set new goals that I never thought were possible. But again, I might’ve never seen that day if I had caved during my trip.
Step 2: Be unconventional when planning ahead
Before the trip, I planned how I would keep eating the right foods on the road and once I got to my destination. I made one green smoothie that I would take with me and drink during the first hours of the drive. I also packed lots of nuts to crunch on to satisfy any cravings and help keep me alert. I bought a pack of bottled water and kept several within arms reach to drink, as needed.
As we all know, fresh produce and vegetables are difficult to keep without refrigeration. So, I only packed a couple of salads to get me through a few rest breaks. I stocked up on canned Wild Caught Tuna in Olive Oil and added that to my salad when I needed meat. I bought the cans that had the pull open lids, so I didn’t need a can opener. I also packed paper plates, plastic forks and napkins to simplify the process.
Now, you may be wondering – did I really try to eat stinky tuna in my car? No! When it was time to eat, we stopped at a rest stop and got out of the car to stretch, use the restrooms, and of course, eat. So I made an event out of it and not only did this make it easier to stick to my healthy habits, it made the trip so much more enjoyable because we stopped every 2-3 hours for at least 15 minutes.
After my first couple of salads were gone, when we saw grocery stores on nearby exits, we made those our rest stops. This gave me a chance to buy fresh salad, broccoli and carrots, get more nuts or whatever else (from the approved foods list).
When I got tired of tuna, I bought hot rotisserie chicken from the deli and added that to my meal. Grilled chicken was also option. Most delis have a seating area where you can eat – I took advantage of those when I could. When those weren’t available, I ate in the parking lot before getting back on the road. Yes, it was a little more inconvenient than I would’ve liked it to be, but again, it’s all about commitment and I was committed to making it work.
So step 2 is all about planning and using unconventional methods for taking care of your needs on the road.
Pack items you’re going to need such as:
- Containers with lids for salads
- Paper plates, plastic utensils and napkins
- Canned wild caught tuna in olive oil (buy a can opener if you can’t get the “pull-open” lids)
- Bottled water
- Nuts for snacking
What if you’re flying?
If you’re flying, those trips are usually not more than 6 hours, so you can fill up on salad or steamed veggies before your flight and then survive on nuts until you reach your destination. If you’re on the plane longer, when they serve meals, order something with simple ingredients and grilled meat, if possible. If you need to pick out unapproved ingredients, pick them out and keep it moving.
What about when you get there?
Apply the same strategies for surviving on the road. Use local grocery stores instead of fast food, when possible. If you need to eat out, order salads, steamed veggies and baked or grilled fish or chicken.
Don’t be afraid to be different from everyone else. One day, during my trip, everyone got together and ordered pizza. I stopped at the store and bought salad ingredients and ate my salad while everyone else ate pizza. Yes, the pizza smelled delicious, and yes, I wanted some. But I was feeling so much more energized and glad that I had made it that far without cheating that I proudly at my salad. That evening, at the banquet, I passed on the pasta dish and just ate the roasted veggies and grilled chicken.
To you this may sound like it’s going to take a lot of effort just to keep eating the same type of foods: salad, veggies, grilled/baked fish and chicken and nuts, but it’s all about changing your mindset. The goal for food should be for it to nourish and heal your body, not entertain you. Yes, it should be tasty and enjoyable – I enjoy every meal I eat and it’s always delicious. I’m happy to say that I can truly enjoy a simple meal such as steamed or roasted veggies and grilled fish or chicken without ever feeling like I’m missing out because I’m always filled and satisfied by the end of every meal.
If you commit to doing the same, eventually you’ll experience the same level of satisfaction.
I hope this post helps you get through your summer travels without ruining your progress!